Our process is designed to deliver organizational change more than twice as fast as the average organizational transition (which is 12 months). This means:
Analysis by an Oxford University statistician of the Quartz Associates/ HBR database of organizational transitions shows that you are ten times more likely to be successful by fully following our approach than by not doing so.
Organizational economics
Understand the strategy or business objective the organizational transition is intended to deliver and the value at stake. Estimate the full costs of the transition and the human disruption and risks it will bring. Stage gate: make go/ no go decision on the project. Communicate the project, its rationale, scope and timeline to staff.
Diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the organization through interviews and proprietary Quartz surveys. Understand the human drivers of cost or performance. Stage gate: ensure shared understanding among leadership team of what needs to be fixed. Communicate the results of the diagnostic to staff.
Identify a number of genuine organizational options that could be pursued, covering governance, structure, processes and people. Run a process of appreciative enquiry for the full leadership team to identify which one (or combination) is most likely to deliver the value. Stage gate: CEO (or relevant executive for the part of the organization that is changing) makes decision. Communicate the direction, leadership changes and timeline for wider changes to staff.
Complete the detailed design for the chosen option, covering governance, organizational structures, cross-cutting processes, systems, role definitions, people capabilities and numbers, and behaviors. Get expert input from staff into role and process design. Plan implementation. Communicate the process for job changes, internal and external recruitment, and any layoffs to staff. Stage gate: launch. Excite and engage staff at launch.
Closely monitor that the new organization is delivering the expected results. Conduct a “5,000 mile test” 3-6 months after launch and identify issues to course correct. Draw the learning from the experience to inform future, better organizational transitions. Stage gate: course corrections made. Communicate course corrections.